It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What would it look like if you believed God cared?

Today I spoke with my best friend for coffee. Both of us are struggling with the concept that God cares. Life and creation just seem too big for Him to care about our journeys on a minute-by-minute basis. As I’ve blog’d about before, God says He cares intimately for us. He promises we are His treasure.
So I asked my friend to do a homework assignment. Answer this question: How would life be different if you actually believed that God cared? What would we change knowing God cares about our unique journey?
1.) I would pray a lot more. If you are walking with a friend and an idea pops up, most of us don’t stubbornly resolve that we will just process this alone. So if I believed God actually cared, I would talk with Him as a friend a lot more.
2.) I would seek direction a lot more. Honestly open myself up to Him, just like I would if I needed advise from someone I trusted.
3.) Rely on Him a lot more. God makes promises to me in scripture. If I believed He cared I would certainly rely on what He promises to me.
4.) Rest assured that in the valleys of life God is there with me. It is not a test, but a tool. God has a plan and is working with me on my unique journey.
5.) Find fulfillment intimately with my loving God. God will meet all of our emotional needs. He is most glorified when we are satisfied in Him. By trusting I would receive this fulfillment He promises.

So, why don’t I live like this now? I’m the one who is reserved, not God. Because of past experiences, I’m afraid of being shut down. Intimacy is really tuff for me, but I have to open the door if I want anything (joy, love, peace, etc..) to come in…

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