It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Across The Universe

I just saw “Across The Universe.” What an awesome movie! I absolutely loved it. It was raw in every sense of the word. This movie is an expressive, historical depiction, orchestrated by the songs of the Beatles. The expressions in the movie are phenomenal. I found myself captivated by the emotions of love, freedom and the pursuit of our passion.

After the movie, I went for a walk. I took a second to listen to the song of all of creation. The stars shouting out in unison, the earth humming it’s melody, the beauty of the night wrapping me in its arms. Music is God’s brilliant gift to us as a way of expressing reality and very real emotions. In music we can see a glimpse of God and His story playing out in all of our individual lives. Life is vibrant by Christ, for Christ, and through Christ.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Faith is not thinking that God can, Faith is knowing that God will.

Dealing with my past?

For the last week I have been haunted with my past. Last night I tossed and turned with gutting twisting emotions. I can’t seem to get over the pain I’ve caused others to have and the pain caused to me in past relationships. These relationships where ten years ago and the emotions of them came flooding back like they were just yesterday. I have walked all over a lot of girls. I’m not proud of it, but it’s an honest part of my past. I can’t help but to wonder what kind bitterness I have created in many people’s lives by my immature actions when I was a mere teenager, and if this bitternes still haunts them today.
I know that God forgives me, not because of anything that I do, but because of what He has done in Christ for me. But, do I forgive myself? Not to justify any of my stupid actions in the past, but to know that I am a different person because of God and forgive myself. If God can forgive me, why can’t I forgive myself?
I wish I could take it all back. I wish I wouldn’t have taken advantage of so many situations for my own desires, but instead to look at the heart of God’s children. So many people are hurting, empty, and looking for love in all the wrong places…

Friday, April 25, 2008

What is blessed?

Is modest prosperity and health of your family enough to make you blessed?

What does it mean to be blessed by God?
Does it have anything to do with status or possesions? Or a healthy long life?

Interesting thought...

We hide behind abstract words and sophisticated sentences to keep from unveiling our ingnorance.
How would you describe your communication style? The whole point of communication is understanding.


Santifacation? what the heck is that?

God says "yes I'll accept you just as you are (at your lowest point), BUT I refuse to keep you there..."

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

~The love of my life~

It’s funny how God works in relationships. My beautiful wife is my world. Though we are not perfect, at times it just feels perfect. At other times it feels not so perfect. But in those situations, when we are butting heads, God reveals to us individually and as a couple who we REALLY are. Because of pride I often stomp on her as my delicate flower. Mallory’s attitude simply reflects how I treat her. If I’m being stubborn, selfish and prideful ~ then she becomes critical and sarcastic. If I am open and sharing, then she is responsive and delicate. She is my love, my voice, and my heart. I love how I can experience just a glimpse of true intimacy with God when I spend time with her.

Most of the time, I am not so good with words, but she completes me. Literally, she can put what I am thinking into brilliant thoughts, even when I cannot think of a single word. She is my Aaron when I am Moses.

My wife has one passion; family. This is hard for me to understand sometimes, because my passion is ministry. God has wired her to care more about her family than anything on this planet. Our son Ethan is her world. Time with her parents and sister help her to feel refreshed. I often feel discouraged if she seeks advice from anyone but me, but really, she is just looking for affirmation from those she holds so very close to her heart. My wife’s heart is to be admired. God has not wired us the same, which is very good. My passion and desire is to change people’s hearts and perceptions. Without the love of wife that fills my world I could not do this. I love that my wife cares so deeply for those in her life. It makes me feel complete, whole, and thankful that I know her.

Mallory, I love you…

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What would it look like if you believed God cared?

Today I spoke with my best friend for coffee. Both of us are struggling with the concept that God cares. Life and creation just seem too big for Him to care about our journeys on a minute-by-minute basis. As I’ve blog’d about before, God says He cares intimately for us. He promises we are His treasure.
So I asked my friend to do a homework assignment. Answer this question: How would life be different if you actually believed that God cared? What would we change knowing God cares about our unique journey?
1.) I would pray a lot more. If you are walking with a friend and an idea pops up, most of us don’t stubbornly resolve that we will just process this alone. So if I believed God actually cared, I would talk with Him as a friend a lot more.
2.) I would seek direction a lot more. Honestly open myself up to Him, just like I would if I needed advise from someone I trusted.
3.) Rely on Him a lot more. God makes promises to me in scripture. If I believed He cared I would certainly rely on what He promises to me.
4.) Rest assured that in the valleys of life God is there with me. It is not a test, but a tool. God has a plan and is working with me on my unique journey.
5.) Find fulfillment intimately with my loving God. God will meet all of our emotional needs. He is most glorified when we are satisfied in Him. By trusting I would receive this fulfillment He promises.

So, why don’t I live like this now? I’m the one who is reserved, not God. Because of past experiences, I’m afraid of being shut down. Intimacy is really tuff for me, but I have to open the door if I want anything (joy, love, peace, etc..) to come in…

Scripture vs. Personal opinion

Personal opinion fuels today’s America. Everyone has an opinion, but most don’t have a basis to go on. Everyone thinks they have it all figured out and “everyone else would just be better off if they knew what you knew.” Regardless of actual science, history, or other people’s experiences, if it doesn’t sound emotionally satisfying we just don’t accept it.
Opinion all too often overrides conversations. Instead of listening, everyone forces their opinion or knowledge into conversations. Conversations are becoming a battle of last words than a humble experience.
The question becomes: What is our source of truth? Is it ourselves, others, or God? Only one stands up, all others constantly fall short and change. You know this to be true in your own life. Everyone is in desperate need of God. Instead of filling up on man’s empty opinions, why not look to scripture? What does scripture say about certain circumstances? We have to constantly realign ourselves with scripture. This is our basis for life, not how much we think we know.
If you think this is ludicrous, what is your source of truth? How often have you been wrong? What makes you think you’re the only one who has this whole thing figured out? What will it take for you to realize you’re not in control and that you don’t know it all?

Glory? What is that?

God is, first and foremost, committed to His Glory. Glory is God’s splendor, beauty, and abundance. So, God is committed to His splendor, beauty, and abundance above all.
We are not the center of the universe (as much as we would like to think we are). God is the center of the universe. His commitment to us is only in light of His commitment to Himself first. God’s glory is the reason for creation. By our satisfaction in Him, He is most glorified.

In this, we find a very uncomfortable question: Did God free you to make much of yourself or did He free you to make much of Him?

Monday, April 21, 2008

God is personal

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Ps 32:8

Instruct, teach, counsel and watch over; these are all promises that God makes to us in our own personal journeys. These are not qualities of a distant God.
I struggle with the idea that God thinks I’m important. That God would care enough to be involved in the day-to-day grind of my life. But God promises that not only does he care but that he will teach us through our adventure. Counsel us in times of need. Instruct us in His agenda. God does watch over us intimately, moment-by-moment He is by our side. God’s promises are real, but do we believe them?
God is Faithful, God is good, God is personal, and God is a redeeming God.

What will you do?

Many of His disciples said, “this is very hard to understand, how can anyone accept it?”

Jesus was aware that His disciples were complaining, so he said to them, “Does this offend you?”

The spirit alone gives eternal life
Human efforts accomplish nothing
The very words I have spoken are the spirit and life
But some of you do not believe me
This is why people can’t come to me unless the Father gives them to me

At this point many of the disciples turned away and deserted Him. Then Jesus turned to the twelve disciples and asked, “Are you going to leave?”

Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life…we believe and we know that you are the Holy One of god” John 6:60-70

The very words Jesus has spoken are the spirit; Jesus alone gives eternal life. So Jesus asks you, “Are you going to leave?” Just like Peter, I confess, where would I go? Jesus alone gives life…
Thank you Lord that you are intimate. Give us life. Give us hope. Give us passion. Human efforts accomplish nothing. You are the source of life.

This is where life happens

This is where life happens. Life doesn’t happen through a useless exchange of my thoughts. Life happens when God speaks. God stirs our heart and reveals himself to us. This is where life happens. In the very core of who we are; the core of us that screams our own unique identity. When we get past the everyday non-sense, and listen to our Creator and His purpose.

The heavens declare the Glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork
Psalm 19:1

Glory is defined as splendor, abundance, and beauty.
So, the heavens declare the splendor, abundance and beauty of God

God has created us unique and given all of us a unique purpose
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints
Eph 1:17-18

The calling of your life is the glory of your life. Life is not about the: should’ve, could’ve or would’ve. Life is about asking, seeking and knocking on our one unique purpose in which God has created for. The splendor, abundance and beauty of your life is your glory. What glory has God put in you for His glory?

That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me. Col 1:29

When we cannot distinguish between the large things and small things in life, we become of no use.
-Winston Churchill

All that matters in life is one thing. What is that one thing? You will have to find that out yourself…
-Curly, City Slickers

Ephesians 1:17; God will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

Do not underestimate the importance of life and who you are:
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet. Psalm 8
We posses an aspect of God.
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Cor 3:18

Our intimacy spectrum with God: Where are you? If we are honest, most of us are no higher than 4. We deem ourselves as just slaves with no real intimate relationship with God.
Potter to the clay
¨ God molding and shaping us
Shepard to the sheep
¨ God saying follow me
Vine to the branch
¨ Attached and dependent
Master to the servant
¨ We become a servant in our Masters house
Teacher to the student
¨ God gives us what we need
God to His friends
¨ God is our intimate ally
Bridegroom to His bride
¨ Intimate needs are fulfilled

God is at work in you, so what’s the story?
Do not ask what the world needs…
Ask, what makes you alive… This is what the world needs…

Oprah~ Selfish ambition, part 2

Doubt is everywhere. The basic fundamental premise of this view is doubt. God isn't who we would be if we were god. Therefore it's easier to pick who we think god should be, rather than acknowledge Christ.
Unfortunately, sometimes, I think you and I are not excluded from this as well. Your right, Satan is more influential than we give him credit for. Reality is out there, God is real, Satan is real, the world is selfish. Whether we believe it or not, the world will keep coming closer to the end and farther away from God. How do we not just give up on the world and hide in our four walls of the church? I love the quote from Jude. Aside from God, we are helpless and wanderers. Praise be to the one true God.
To use Oprah as a tool, wow! This is real! This isn't some made up story of mythology. It's really happening. There is a real war, and real people are in the middle of it. The question becomes, what are you doing about it? Am I a voice calling out to the world, or am I hiding in the safety of my corner looking for excuses in doubt? If only I had faith the size of a mustard seed, I could move a mountain...

Where did Oprah go wrong?
No after life... If there is no after life, there is no accountability to God for our chooses, hence this is why this view might be appealing. But if there is no accountability, there is no good or just God.
Source of truth... Oprah has no source of truth, but herself. Somehow we think we know whats best for ourselves and totally discount history or any reliable sources. The burden of proof lays in her lap to account for her overlooking of historical literature (i.e. the bible)
Picking and choosing from opposing religions... The law of non-contradiction says that you can't have equally opposing views be valid. All religions have claimed to be the only way. Even Oprah's new-age wave claims to be the only way. At some point you have to ask which religion is reliable and not just theory. Who is God? The hard truth is, He is not me and he does not have my will. God has His own agenda, whether we like it or not... and He is very Good

Oprah~ Selfish ambition, part 1

Is God a jealous God? How can he not be... We constantly set ourselves up on pedestals, and think that we individually know whats best for our lives and for those around us. Oprah has completely taken God out of the picture and created a spirit-utopia that cannot and will-never exist. Essentially, she has used philosophy and world religions like a buffet line and just chosen what sounds good to her, ignoring laws of science and the contradictions in her own beliefs. If she scrutinized her beliefs as much as she has the "one way theory" she'd see her own ignorance. Oprah is living, fundamentally, a hope theory. "I hope we're all good and OK."
If God is good, we all fall short and somehow that problem has to be answered for. God provides the spring of life, but were just too prideful to drink. This is why God is a jealous God, we have chosen and will always chose our own rebellious ways, but in His love he has chosen to redeem those who will accept His free payment in Jesus Christ. If only we would realize our desperate need for Him, this is where God wants us to be. Good people don't know God, forgiven people know God...
You may ask-"what about those who are good but don't look to Christ, that's not fair?" Everybody is invited, everybody gets in the same, everybody has to make a chose during their life; what's more fair than that?

What would happen if people looked to God and stopped looking to Oprah?

"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." Jeremiah 2:13