It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Monday, June 30, 2008

A seemingly absent God

My dad sent me an email today about signs. He asked himself: if God is real, why doesn’t he just give me a sign? He had an epiphany. Could his sign be his life? He’s still married, he’s healthy, he’s not poor, he’s got a great job, etc…

I’m impressed with his thought. I am currently struggling with this same issue. I am not so sure I want to trust and believe this seemingly absent God. To me, right now, he seems absent. I don’t feel his presence. I don’t hear his voice. I’m not so sure I want to believe the bible is all he has to say. I don’t feel forcibly moved by him. I’m not even sure he exists. In a recent sermon I heard, the pastor talked about authority. What governs my life? Is it the bible, the word of God, or is it something else? There are two types of unbelief: 1.) Ignorance, just not knowing the truth, 2.) and knowing the truth but choosing not to believe it. I found myself in awe of his view of the bible. For a moment in time, I wished I were him. Just so I could trust something that whole-heartedly. But I obviously have control issues. Do I have the authority over my life or does God? For me the answer is simple. I want the control over my life, because I’m not so sure I can trust a seemingly absent God. I want a sign… But maybe my dad is right. Could my very existence, my life, everything I have been given, be my sign? Have I grown so accustomed to seeing God in my life that I no longer see him? And really if God showed me a sign wouldn’t I just want another one?


clockhart said...
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clockhart said...

The stuggle I am going through seems to be the same but different. God has revealed to me recently that I am seeking His hand rather than his face. My faith in God is one that trust his doings and mircles, rather then who he says he is. God has covicted me that just because he is not "doing in my life" doesnt meant that hes not there. I trust gods works and seek those "mountain top" experences rather then trusting His promises. Isnt that faith?
Faith is being sure of what we hope for.....
Hope for heaven.....

Anonymous said...

Deut 30:19