It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Monday, July 7, 2008

The right wing

Right now I’m almost finished reading AJ Jacobs book “The year of living biblically.” I love it. AJ has a Jewish background and spends a year on a quest to meet the God of the Bible. He seems comfortable with the Old Testament rituals but hesitant with the New Testament. He knows his hesitation has a lot to do with his family heritage but he is also reserved because of Christian fundamentalists and confusion within its own camp. It is so awesome for me to get such a fresh view on things. Here’s a man committed to literally fulfilling every command and suggestion in the bible but not so sure Christianity is the real deal. AJ has helped me to step back and see the Jewish tradition and history within the bible. It has also helped me to see the political and self-willed agenda Christianity carries with it. Christianity seems so politically aligned that maybe we have forgotten the bible. I know I have. I spent so much time creating my own little stereotypical God, that I forgot how big life is. My mascot-god, my pocket size version, god created in my image. When my mascot couldn’t deliver what I wanted, I gave up on God. When I asked my genie for three wishes and got nothing, I could no longer believe in God. I was so busy speaking for God, I never knew who he was. My political agenda became priority. I find myself bitter with the church for having the same motivation as myself. I think that is what leaves me so frustrated with Christianity, political corruption. Everyone wants it their way and thinks they have some kind of insiders edge…

“Many of us in the evangelical community believe that evangelical Christianity has become captured and enslaved by the religious right, It’s loyalty seems to be more to the platform of the republican party than to the radical teachings of Jesus.”

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