It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Playing in puddles

Last night, I got the privilege of letting my son take me for a walk. Or should I say, I got to accompany him pushing his tractor on a walk around the block. It has been raining a lot here this summer. Therefore there are puddles all over the place. Well last night we found a good one at the bottom of an alley. It was awesome, I got to show my son how to get real dirty.

The coolest part though was teaching him to through rocks into the water. He was fascinated, I couldn't find rocks fast enough for him. He would get so excited. You have to understand that he is only a year and half, so his throw is more of a drop. But it was awesome non-the-less. I just adore that little boy. I would find a rock and he would take it from my hand, walk over to the puddle and drop the stone in. We would both listen to the sound and try to mimic it- ker plunk. Then off to find the next stone.

It was awesome, the rest of the world stopped and it was just him and I in that moment.

PS- I think his mom is a super duper hottie hot hotterson and the light of my life. Don't tell her I said that.

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