It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nobody's perfect

What's the one axiom every American can agree on? Nobody's perfect.

Not one person out of thousand would whole-heartedly claim to be perfect. There are many different characteristics that we all use to describe ourselves, but never "perfect". This is something that all of us just instinctively know to admit to one another.

Why is this? What would perfect look like?

Phrases such as "to err is human" or "nobodies perfect" are carelessly thrown around to defend our judgment calls or reputations. We use it to our advantage but we never stop to take it seriously. What are the implications of not being perfect? This should scare the crap out you. Why? Because there has to be a standard of what perfect is in order to know that we are not it. The standard is God (whether you like it or not) and we are programmed to know it. God is perfect by his very nature. He can't not be perfect. See, all too often we look around at one another and compare ourselves to those around us. "Well surely I'm not as bad as ______ or well at least I have never done _____." The problem is, no matter how good you think you may be, your not perfect. Other religions (which are wrong) say that we have to earn your favor with God. Well there's one problem with that; YOU CAN'T. Why? because anything that is not perfect is against the very nature of God, that is sin. Sin cannot exist in the presence of God. Therefore sin has to be atoned for.

You say "well that's not fair, every one's entitled to one mistake." Says who? When did God ever give us that right? Every mistake is an insult and an absolute blasphemy to his integrity. And even if he did allow all of us "one mistake," how long ago would you have used that "one mistake" up?

As my pastor says "a sin against an eternal God is an eternal sin and an eternal sin requires an eternal payment." God has paid this penalty himself through Jesus Christ. All you have to do is choose life through Jesus Christ or you can choose to reject God and keep going about your own way knowing something is missing and never reaching your purpose which you know is there. Think about it, you will make a choose right now; either for God or against God, but either way you will have made your choose...

*for more info listen to R.C. Sproul, Trauma of Holiness

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