It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

CNN- proof that darwin was wrong

I am a big fan of avoiding ANY liberal based news stations. Why? because they represent the higher moronic powers that are now in control of our government. Now, I know I have the right to just flip the channel and not listen to that crap, and trust me, I do. But today I got stuck in a customers house listening to CNN's non-sense for almost two hours. So I have something to say...

First off, I want to make it clear that I choose God. No matter who is in the office or what agenda our government is trying to push, I choose God. (And the real God, not this manbe-panbe spiritual crap, but the Truth that does exist). I know that God is not partial to any particular political party and I would never dare to say that the bible supports one wing or the other. And I know this because all politicians are sleaze-bags (including our current and ex-president). However I do believe that liberals have a lot more sleaze in their bags. Please don't misconstrue what I am saying either. I am not claiming to be morally superior to anyone. In fact I strongly believe every one of us is morally bankrupt and in desperate need of God's grace. However when idiocricy dominates our culture it furriates me. Here's what I mean:

CNN was debating whether or not Notre Dame did the right thing by not offering Obama a honorary degree when he spoke at their campus. Notre Dame's reason? Because they don't believe in his agenda, especially in regards to abortion. Notre Dame is a Catholic based school who is very proud of their tradition. CNN referred to those who stuck to their morals as "religious kooks". This pisses me off. Granite, I'm not a big fan of Catholic theology, but give me a break. Anybody who is opposed to killing babies is a "religious kook"? Let me lay it out for you- abortion is wrong, period. Killing is not legal. And don't give me that crap that they are not people. If it's not a big deal, why is abortion such a hard thing to do? Why is it such a heavy decision? Why is it devastating on people and families? I mean, if it's just a mass of lifeless flesh why the emotional torture? Shouldn't it be just as easy as removing a tumor? But it's not that easy, is it? Because it's wrong. We are killing babies as a culture for selfish reasons; because we can't keep our pants on, because we don't want our parents to know we're sleeping around, because our career could be jeopardized, because it's not the right time, because it was a one night stand, etc.... This is ridiculous. In the end it all comes down to selfishness. We don't want to be inconvenienced. Boo-hoo. Selfishness is not a moral fiber, but yet we parade it around in this culture like we have the right to be selfish. Who said we have that right? Selfishness is a deadly virtue that God has never, never, NEVER even hinted at as being ok.

Then I listened to them hammer Sarah Palin about her up-coming book. Once again, I'm not siding with Sarah Palin, but the hypocrisy bugs me. They were bickering about about the convenience of the release date and how much money they thought she would make. However they never mentioned the fact that we can't go to the grocery store without being bombarded by Obama and all his books and propaganda floating about.

If your a liberal, I make no apologies, your wrong. I'm tired of being labeled a hypocrite, intolerant, a bigot, or a religious kook because I choose not to agree or conform to your agenda. You are the intolerant one, the hypocrite, the bigot, the religious agenda forcing party, I'm just returning the volley.

Think about it... CNN is proof that Darwin was wrong. Why? because our culture is turning our minds back into slimy goop.

1 comment:

clockhart said...

Wow. That hits home, its so true. Thank you.