It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hush-hush, not your political view...

Everyone seems so weirded out when I give my political opinion. Maybe it's because I'm supposed to give everyone a chance. Maybe it's because I'm Christian, therefore I have to submit to whoever is given authority under God. Maybe it's because I have a warped and twisted opinion. Maybe I'm too passionate about my beliefs. Whatever the case, I say tough cookies. I'm gonna say what I have to say...
I want to start by saying that I am extremely proud of Barack Obama's accomplishments. The man finished top of his class at Harvard. And for those of you who may not know, he is also our first black president. Barack is legendary in his accomplishments. However, I believe Americas selfishness reigns high above any one man. Here is a country who will kill it's babies if it suits me, will neglect it's helpless if it suits me, will give me free hand outs if I don't do anything for myself. The liberal agenda has dominated the mainstream and here we are following like cattle. Since when does Hollywood have a clue? When did Matt Damon and Oprah become our source of intelligence? God help our ignorant country. We have forgotten God and instead look to our own desires to guide us. Forget what I can do for my country, what can my country do for me? This has become our 21st century motto, and Barack Obama's presidential vision. Mark my words, our country is not far from demise. Our country cannot hold true with liberal judges, representatives, senators, and presidents redefining our life, our money, our families and our constitution. If anyone truly understood socialism and liberalism, they would absolutely vote against it.
But then again, I guess I don't have to worry about anything, messiah Barack will save us all...

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