It is what it is

My photo
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Son, the creative genius

Mommy took some well deserved time off tonight to go see a concert with the Fam. So, Ethan and I spent a good deal of the evening goofing off. Dinner and movie, followed by some creative driveway chalk drawing. Together we both came up with some pretty cool robot drawings. However, the thing that makes me so proud is his ability to name objects. The kid is an abstract naming genius. I know the pics don't really show much (its chalk on pavement, what do you expect) just pay attention to the names. These are all his names, no help from me:

This is Saturn-Netts

4 robots in this pic: Left, Knock-o the Drummer Bot; top center, Dickwho; right, Esadoe; bottom center, TV Robot.

2 Robots in this pic: left, Mopp the funniest robot; top center, Matcho-Nicox

2011 Woodmen Valley Mens Retreat

So I'm just getting back to life as I know it. The Men's retreat was this past weekend (started Friday and ended Sunday). So my "vacation" has officially ended. No more Florida, no more men's retreat on the horizon. From here on out, its all about baby nugget.

So how was the men's retreat? I have no other way of putting it except life changing. I went up not expecting much at all, this was my fourth retreat and the last couple had been kind of weird, however this year was a life changer for me.

It was interesting to hear what "themes" God was laying on people's hearts every day as they worked through whatever God was doing in them. For many people, it was Grace and God's love. For me, it was Fight (for my marriage, for my kids, for my faith, for Christ) and it was also Trust (trust God, no matter what life brings, trust in Him). I keep hearing this message over and over again with every sermon given.

What a weekend it was! 6 sermons total, tons of scripture, lots of time to meditate. I laughed, I cried multiple times, I debated, I relaxed, I trusted, I saw God's face and found comfort in knowing I am His. I found a love for my Brothers. I adored and treasured my wife and how much she means to me. I dug deep into what my family really means to me.

What do I practically take away from this weekend:
1. Relationships matter! I need brothers around me that I can laugh and cry with.
2. Prioritize life: 1st love Christ, 2nd love Mallory, 3rd love Ethan and Nugget, 4th love family, 5th love brotherhood, then passions and work.
3. be the spiritual leader God has called me to be (lead with prayer, and love)
4. repent of selfishness: pray, tithe, love (open up my heart), quit being so selfish and critical, consumed by what life hasn't handed me instead of enjoying what God has.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vacation: wrapping it all up

Last day-

Weather- perfect
Activities- Nothing
Rounding up toys
Video games all morning
Grocery store trip after New-Mama flew out
Dinner: Mongolian beef w/ rice while watching Astro Boy
Late night movie: Cop Out

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vacation: day 5

Weather: Perfect not a cloud in the sky, and calm
Saltwater fishing by boat (special thanks to Pastor Frank) 6am-Noon
Firehouse subs for lunch
Nap for Daddy
Beach in the afternoon
Roast beef, potatoes, and fried fish for dinner
Late Night movie: Due Date

Vacation: day 4

Weather: gorgeous, but windy at times
Marina Jacks playing in the water park and playground (and drama with keys locked in car)
Checkers for lunch
Beach in the afternoon, with incredibly cool 2-3 foot waves, perfect for tubing
Sarasota Brewing co. for dinner

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vacation: day 3

Weather: Windy, cloudy, afternoon showers
1.) St Armand's square for my B-day, did some shopping
2.) Taco Bell for lunch
3.) Mario Tennis (superstar level achieved, beat 3 tournaments. whats that? Jealous much?)
4.) Swimming
5.) off to my B-day dinner: Mad Crow Brewery (it was awesome, great environment, great fish and chips, and great beer. It was epic!!!)
7.) finished off the night with Mad Gab and Tripoly