It is what it is

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Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If there isn't a God, nothing matters; If there is a God, nothing else matters...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have officially made it through the fall series

Today I finished my forth race in the Colorado fall series. I have survived a brutal, brutal beat down. This series was intense: from running up creeks, to climbing rope walls, to hurdling extremely rugged rocks and trails. All said and done, I finished dead last in my age group (15 of 15) and 104 of 146 men. I'm disappointed with the results because I feel like I put a whole lot of more effort into this than what is represented by my finish times. But also looking back on the courses, these were some kick ass courses. Some of the inclines were so steep we could all do nothing but hike. This marks a huge accomplishment for me. This is my first series completion. To give you an idea of how big it is to make it through all four races, 425 people did not make it through all four. Only 253 out of around 678 made it, and I placed 142 out of the 253. Not too bad I guess. Could always be better though...

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